Introduction New York City, a vibrant metropolis known for its towering skyline and bustling life, faces a major environmental challenge: carbon emissions from buildings. Nearly 70% of the city’s carbon emissions stem from the fossil fuels used to power, heat, …
more Summary On the 9th of May 2023, National Health Service (NHS) England published new guidelines and standards for the application of HEPA filters for air cleaning in healthcare spaces, which is an addendum to the HTM-03-01 specialised ventilation advice and …
more The increased awareness of the importance of good Indoor Air Quality (IAQ), as well as the need to optimise mechanical ventilation rates to deliver good IAQ, have both led to increased demand for IAQ data measured by air sensors. There …
more Whilst there is good knowledge about outdoor air quality and pollution, the reality is that we spend 90% of our time indoors, and a lot of that at work. Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) can be 2 to 5 times worse than outside air …