As the coronavirus pandemic continues, many employees are working from home. Essential workers don’t have that luxury. They are reporting to offices and makeshift workspaces. In the future, many employees will also return to their desks. Whether you work …
SARS CoV-2 SARS CoV-2 (Covid19) is a strain of the Coronavirus family, a group of related RNA viruses that cause diseases in mammals and birds. The earliest reports of animal coronavirus infection occurred in the late 1920s, whilst human …
If you have asthma or allergies, exposure to hazardous particulate matter like mould, pet dander, dust mites or pollen, can aggravate your condition. As we spend more time indoors, improving air quality in our home and workplace is an important …
Henrik Hendriksen is requested at the States Serum Institut who prevents and controls infectious diseases, biological threats and congenital disorders. ———– By Anne-Mette Riis, 2003 The Air purifier, invented by Henrik Henriksen from Bjørndrup, might become a weapon in the …
Viruses are rarely selective. You can find them everywhere. Research shows hospital air is a good a place for them to linger, and maybe a better place than most. Medically ill patients, dense population, and the restraints of indoor ventilation …
Many call Purple Dragon the world’s best playroom. This family members’ club in Chelsea, London opened 10 years ago. It offers signature adventures, experiences, and classes, plus unstructured activities where children can play in a safe and enriching environment. …
As you might expect, Greg Lynn of Prince Charles Cinema says the global pandemic has been tough for his industry. “It’s been a very trying time for us,” he says. Greg, who has overseen the running and the …
Chris Ward, founder of Huckle the Barber shops in London, had to close his shops when the COVID-19 pandemic hit. “Since 2012 our focus was to provide a friendly, relaxed space where Huckle’s clients could get tailored haircuts from the …
Steel Williams, the co-founder and director of TRAINFITNESS, a leading training provider in the health, wellness and fitness sector, knew reopening during the time of COVID meant addressing an abundance of trepidation. “It was interesting when we reopened,” he says. …
As we move through the COVID-19 pandemic new research indicates the coronavirus may be transmitted through airborne aerosols. Care homes eager to keep their facilities safe are exploring the need for air purification, especially as cooler weather hinders access to …
If you are in the market for true wall candy, Eye Like Gallery in Beaconsfield just outside London is a clear go to. Equally important, you can enter safely, knowing that the air is constantly being purified of viruses and …