Rensair, experts in hospital-grade air purification, have joined forces with the Central London Alliance (CLA) to assist the capital’s business community to recover after the coronavirus pandemic. …
June 17 is Clean Air Day. Run by Global Action Plan, it’s the UK's largest air pollution campaign. Every year, air pollution causes up to 36,000 deaths in the UK. The World Health Organisation and the UK Government now recognise it …
After struggling with the ramifications of the global coronavirus pandemic, which science has proven can be spread by airborne pathogens, most people realize the critical importance of good air quality. …
infection control to prevent the transmission of Covid-19, recommending a layered approach to reduce exposure to the virus. …
Layla Mae’s Beauty chose Rensair because of documented proof that it captures and kills 99.97% of airborne virus, bacteria and other pathogens, including the coronavirus …
King’s College School, Wimbledon is an independent co-ed school that is renowned for its high standards. As one of the most academically successful schools in the world, it was determined that the pandemic would not impede its student’s …
Summary The World Health Organisation (WHO) has updated its website, placing far greater emphasis on Covid transmission from inhaled airborne Covid19 droplets (aerosols), rather than through touching contaminated surfaces. It has also provided specific information on what constitutes good ventilation …
Airthings for Business and Rensair air purifier helps TRAINFITNESS to understand and improve their indoor air quality and reduce particulate matter. Businesses looking to optimize the quality of their indoor air often consider air purification systems and their efficacy. If …
American Southern hospitality might be a catchphrase, but it’s a way of life at the Hospitality House of Charlotte (HHOC) in North Carolina. This 20-bedroom home offers lodging to all age patients, along with a family member or caregiver, …
When the pandemic hit, many companies including Northern Gas and Power (NGP), the leading energy consultancy in the UK, faced new challenges. …
When two global, high-tech companies decide to work together, the union sizzles with success. Such is the case with Rensair and Global Telemetrics. …
The coronavirus pandemic has dramatically impacted the productivity of dental surgeries. After lockdown, dentists are glad to be back at work, but they continue to struggle to treat as many patients as possible. One enormous challenge is fallow time. …
For families, living through the coronavirus pandemic is tough. For families with critically ill children, it’s even tougher. It’s also tough on those who want to help. A common goal When Rensair, a UK-based company that makes portable …
The WHO and governments worldwide have recommended good indoor ventilation ever since they recognised that Covid19 was predominantly transmitted via airborne particulates and that the transmission risk from fomites (surfaces) was low. This article looks at the principal factors that …
Early in his career, Henrik Hendriksen, a Danish engineer and inventor, created air ventilation technology solutions for the welding industry that went on to become the mandated government standard in Scandinavia and throughout multiple European-wide directives. The Norwegian Minister of …