Rensair hospital-grade air purification

February 5, 2021 – 7 Min

COVID-19 Transmission and Strategies to Limit Infection

SARS CoV-2  SARS CoV-2 (Covid19) is a strain of the Coronavirus family, a group of related RNA viruses that cause diseases in mammals and birds. The earliest reports of animal coronavirus infection occurred in the late 1920s, whilst human … more
January 21, 2021 – 2 Min

Rensair Rids Vulnerable Hospital Air of COVID-19 Contamination

Viruses are rarely selective. You can find them everywhere. Research shows hospital air is a good a place for them to linger, and maybe a better place than most. Medically ill patients, dense population, and the restraints of indoor ventilation … more
December 31, 2020 – 2 Min

Purple Dragon Play Offers a Safe Play Environment with Rensair Air Purification

Many call Purple Dragon the world’s best playroom. This family members’ club in Chelsea, London opened 10 years ago. It offers signature adventures, experiences, and classes, plus unstructured activities where children can play in a safe and enriching environment.  … more
December 18, 2020 – 2 Min

Rensair Maintenance Tutorial

This guide is for the Rensair CE marked version typically used in Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa and parts of South America.  If you have the ETL certified version typically used in North America, please contact Rensair or your Rensair … more
December 14, 2020 – <1 Min

Rensair Offers Rail Systems Hospital-grade Air Purification

The COVID-19 crisis is posing serious challenges to the railway industry. By design, the nature of rail excursions puts travellers in poorly ventilated, confined spaces, which contributes to airborne transmission of the virus.  Regarding the rail sector and coronavirus … more
November 19, 2020 – 2 Min

Sadhana Yoga & Wellbeing Provides Exceptional Air Quality for Students with Rensair

Emblazoned in orange on the doormat of the Sadhana Yoga & Wellbeing studio are the words, Leave the World at the Door. Founder Gerry Lopez designed the studio, which fuses the power of yoga and body movement with holistic therapies, … more
November 7, 2020 – 4 Min

Air Purification in Demand as the Risk of Airborne Covid19 is Recognized by the WHO

—————————— Update November 17th 2020: the UK Government follows suit Rensair recently highlighted the changing landscape in air purification, as the WHO released a 5 minute video (WHO) recommending good room ventilation, or, where that was not possible,& … more

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