Indoor Air Quality

October 19, 2021 – 5 Min

5 top tips on how to buy an air purifier for your business

Clean air has never been more important, whether delivered via ventilation or air purification. But with so many products on the market, how do you choose the right one for your needs? … more
September 22, 2021 – 3 Min

A practical guide to clean air inside the school gates

In a bid to improve air quality surrounding the capital’s schools, the Mayor of London has closed roads to traffic and launched the new London Schools Pollution Helpdesk. But what about indoor air, where concentrations of pollutants are two … more
September 14, 2021 – 2 Min

Skills for Chicagoland’s Future hires Rensair to uplift air quality

Skills for Chicagoland’s Future (Skills) is a public-private partnership working to match businesses that have current, unmet hiring needs with qualified, unemployed and underemployed job seekers. Its office, located in a multi-storey building in downtown Chicago, has no direct … more
July 21, 2021 – 3 Min

Removing air pollution without adding noise pollution

Removing indoor air pollution has proven benefits. Not just the obvious advantages of protecting your health from bacteria, viruses and allergens, while minimising sick building syndrome. … more
July 20, 2021 – 4 Min

Schools are advised to implement only evidence-based indoor air quality improvements

Many are looking forward to the return of full time in-person learning for the 2021-2022 academic year. With sound evidence that airborne aerosols can transmit coronavirus, the World Health Organization (WHO) says surface cleaning and hand sanitizing do not offer … more
July 19, 2021 – 4 Min

In the air tonight

There’s something in the air tonight. Oh Lord. If we could actually see what we were breathing, many of us would never venture out again. … more
June 5, 2021 – 5 Min

The CDC updates its guidance on ventilation in buildings

infection control to prevent the transmission of Covid-19, recommending a layered approach to reduce exposure to the virus. … more

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