There’s something in the air tonight. Oh Lord. If we could actually see what we were breathing, many of us would never venture out again. …
The impact of Covid-19 on the NHS has been devastating and it has now been reported that it could take up to five years to clear the backlog. …
In an open letter, Dr. Marwa Zaatari - eminent Indoor Air Quality expert and Member of the Board Of Directors at U.S. Green Building Council - advocates caution when specifying air purification devices. …
Capim Dourado, a Brazilian restaurant located in Porto, Portugal is gathering momentum after the Coronavirus lockdown with Rensair. …
Rensair, experts in hospital-grade air purification, have joined forces with the Central London Alliance (CLA) to assist the capital’s business community to recover after the coronavirus pandemic. …
infection control to prevent the transmission of Covid-19, recommending a layered approach to reduce exposure to the virus. …
Dental practices, by design, require staff to be experts in infection control. Dentists wear masks and gloves and there is routine sterilization of equipment. Yet, despite this care and attention, dental offices in the United Kingdom, and elsewhere, experienced three …
As we move through the COVID-19 pandemic new research indicates the coronavirus may be transmitted through airborne aerosols. Care homes eager to keep their facilities safe are exploring the need for air purification, especially as cooler weather hinders access to …