Aerosol generating procedure

November 30, 2022 – 2 Min

Independent NHS tests confirm Rensair air cleaning efficiency

The NHS Innovation Agency has conducted extensive biovalidation testing on the Rensair Core air purifier. The results corroborate existing independent tests carried out by leading scientific laboratories, which have all concluded that Rensair can be used for infection prevention & control … more
March 18, 2022 – 3 Min

Update to dentist’s fallow time guidance (UK)

While lockdowns have been lifted, fallow time - the amount of time an operatory is left empty after an Aerosol Generating Procedure (AGP) to permit the clearance and/or setting of airborne droplets or aerosols - is still contributing to … more
March 8, 2022 – 4 Min

It’s time to clear the air on the NHS backlog

The gargantuan scale of the patient backlog has now been exacerbated by Omicron. While staff absences and shortfalls are a much discussed hindrance, there are other issues that play a part in thwarting patient throughput. One such issue is ventilation … more
September 13, 2020 – 4 Min

Dentists Reduce Fallow Time with Rensair Air Purification

DENTAL PRACTICES: DOUBLE YOUR PATIENT CAPACITY WITH EFFECTIVE AIR PURIFICATION On the 28 August 2020, the NHS and the Office of Chief Dental Officer England (OCDOE) published updated Standard Operating Procedures for dental practices. They outline different “fallow periods”, or … more

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